Magic keto bread that doubles in size in the oven and has just 3g net carbs per roll.
If you’re a bread person, keto bread is a bit of a holy grail. And even if bread isn’t your thing, who doesn’t love a burger every now and then. This recipe means you can have a bun with yours!
These soft dinner rolls are the closest I’ve come to a real yeasty style bread. And it’s all down to the elastic and stretch that psyllium husk brings to otherwise non stretchy flours – like almond. These are light, airy, spongy and simple to make once you follow a few MUST DO’s. I can’t tell you how many failed breads were on the journey to these.
So make sure to:
- Use psyllium husk powder. Don’t use psyllium husk. (You can grind husk to a fine powder in a dry blender – I do this, it works fine). You’ll find one or other in most whole food or health stores.
- Make sure to weigh psyllium husk powder. Don’t guess!
- The water must be just done boiling i.e. super hot to activate the psyllium magic. (And no, the hot water doesn’t mean the baking powder has done it’s thing before hitting the oven)
- Don’t skip any ingredients
- Use wet hands. It smooths the dough and allows you to form it into shapes.
- And finally, allow to cool before cutting. Structural firming continues to happen while the dough cools.
So here goes, have fun, get creative with flavour and do message me on IG if you have any issues.
I’ve already made all the mistakes.
Keto soft dinner rolls

- 120 g almond flour
- 45 g psyllium husk powder
- 2 tsp baking powder sifted
- 3/4 - 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp black pepper to taste
- 3 egg whites
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 240 ml (1 cup) boiling water (literally just boiled)
- 1-2 tsp mustard (optional, but adds breadlike flavour)
- Pre heat oven to 160°C Fan (Regular oven 175°C 350°F)
- Combine ground almonds, psyllium husk, baking powder, salt and pepper and stir well. Add mustard here if using.
- Beat the egg white with a hand mixer briefly, add vinegar and beat a little more.
- Add the egg and vinegar mix to the dry ingredients and mix well.
- Add the just boiled water beat again to mix all ingredients well.
- It will thicken quickly and gloop up along the beater, so don’t overmix.
- Continue to fold with spatula from the edges until it’s dough like and boule shaped.
- Cut into 6 to 8 and form into to flattened balls with wet hands. (Dry hands won’t work!)
- Place on greased baking tray, spaced apart - these will almost double in size.
- Bake for 30 - 35 min or until hollow to tap underneath. Smaller rolls will cook quicker than larger ones.
- Adjust time for your oven, and cover half way through baking.
- When cooked, remove from oven, cool for a few minutes then use a fish slice to place on a rack to cool fully before cutting.
- Use psyllium powder, not husk. Grind husk in a blender if you don’t have powder.
- Use as finely ground almonds as you can find. You'll find ground almonds in the baking section in most large stores.
- Water must be super hot to activate psyllium.
- Buns will be gooey if cut before cool, so allow to cool so structure stabilises.
- Handle gently until cool and don't turn upside down either while cooking or cooling!
- This is a fairly flexible recipe and takes flavour well. Here are some to try:
- add 1tsp mustard and 2 tbsp mixed seeds to the dry ingredients.
- add 10g nutritional yeast for a cheesy / yeasty flavour
- other add-ins to try (add to dried mix before egg white) are garlic powder, some dried herbs and a little chopped sundried tomato, spent malt or 2 tbsp mixed seeds.
- Brushing the tray with garlic oil or butter also tastes great! - For hot cross buns try 1-2 tsp cinnamon, pinch monkfruit powder, citrus zest and 1 tsp orange essence. Top with inulin glaze - 2 tsp inulin powder in 1 tsp boilng water. Nutrition based on 6 rolls.
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